On 31 May 2019, T4B Ekotechnologie in consortium with T4B concluded an agreement with the Halinów commune, based in Halinów 05 – 074, ul. Spółdzielcza 1.
The subject of the agreement is the execution of construction works involving the modernization and extension of the existing sewage treatment plant in the area of Długa Kościelna, from which treated sewage will be discharged into the Długa River.
The expansion of the plant will be based on the technology of biological wastewater treatment, operating on the basis of nitrifying and denitrifying activated sludge in a continuous flow system with chemical precipitation of phosphorus. Ultimately, the sewage treatment plant is to handle 27,625 equivalent number of residents.
SUBJECT OF THE ORDER: Improvement of sewage management in the Halinów Commune “Modernization and extension of the wastewater treatment plant in the city of Długa Kościelna
LOCATION: Długa Kościelna
ORDERING PARTY: Halinów Commune
CONTRACT VALUE: over PLN 22 milion gross
COMPLETION TIME: 05.2019- 07.2021